
Vaccinations play an essential part of preventative medicine. They are used to protect your pet from several infectious and potentially fatal diseases that are prevalent in Hong Kong. It is a common misconception that pets kept indoors are “risk-free”. While being indoors may lower the possibility of your pet being exposed to pathogens, it does not completely eliminate the risk. Boarding, trips to the groomer or even to vet clinics may expose your pet to potential illness. Pathogens may also be inadvertently picked up and carried home by you or any person or animal if contact was made with a sick animal or contaminated items. Vaccinations also do not eliminate disease. Even if your pet was vaccinated at a young age, the chance of previous exposure means that an illness could be present but latent. Vaccination boosters are useful in minimizing frequency and severity.


1. DHPPiL - Distemper/Infectious Hepatitis/ Parvovirus/ Parainfluenza/ Leptospirosis

DHPPiL vaccine should be given at the age of 2,3,4 and 12 months old to build up your puppy’s immune system, and then every 3 years for the DHPPi booster; but do remember we highly recommended your pet to have the Leptospirosis component booster yearly as it was a deadly and unfortunately very common disease in Hong Kong.

2. Rabies

By law, all dogs above 5 months of age are required to be vaccinated against rabies and licensed with the Agricultural, Fisheries and Conservation Department. License should then be renewed along with a vaccination booster every 3 years. And not to worry, we will take care of the license processing procedure for you in HKIVC.


Kennel cough is a very common infectious disease seen in Hong Kong, if medical attention is sought in an early stage, it can usually be fully resolved with treatment. We recommend administering this vaccine at least 14 days prior to an event where your pet may have an increased risk of exposure such as staying in a dog hotel.


1. FRCP - Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis/ Calicivirus/ Panleukopenia

FRCP vaccine should be given at age 2, 3, 4 and 12 months old to build up your kitten’s immune system, and then every 3 years for protection maintenance.


Not required for cats in Hong Kong, but some countries may require vaccination and a rabies serology test before allowing entry.

If you have any questions about vaccinating your pets, please feel free to drop by and speak to one of our nurses or contact us via phone/email. Remember, prevention is always better than cure!